I just saw a post from an “expert” that perfectly highlights the shallow and meaningless knowledge many in the field of growth and business portray.
“It’s lack of commitment that cause people to fail.”
Did you get that off the back of a cereal packet?
You can be committed and still fail.
You can be indifferent and still succeed.
You can be rich and still fail.
You can be poor and still succeed.
You can have an amazing product and still fail.
You can sell crap and still succeed.
This shallow motivational fluff is like a sugar rush—energetic but fleeting. It’s like leprechaun gold. Looks nice but is worthless. In reality is serves no purpose. When we oversimplify success, we ignore the nuances—the grit, the mindset, the strategy, the adaptability.
These platitudes can harm self-esteem and destroy people. Imagine feeling inadequate because your journey doesn’t match the “commitment equals success” narrative. It’s toxic.
Real success lies in embracing complexity. Sometimes, commitment pays off; other times, it’s the wild card that reshuffles the deck.
So let’s discard the cereal-box wisdom. Success isn’t a formula; it’s a symphony—a blend of mindset, smart commitment, adaptability, and a dash of serendipity. Start your music with the Be Limitless program from Sanomentology