When I look back on the years developing Sanomentology and the lives I have changed, they all fill me with joy, but some stand out more than others.
Sam (fake name) is one such case.
Sam was a 22 year old lad from the rough part of London. He was heavily involved in a notorious gang, dealing in drugs, guns, knives etc.
He wanted out, and more than anything wanted to sort his life and settle down with a family.
But he was fueled by fear, anger, and hate. He felt worthless, lost, and full of rage at the world in general. This ruined his attempts at relationships, prevented him getting a job, and kept him in the gang where he could release all that pent up emotion.
He called me out of desperation. I was blunt with him, explained that I could only help if he really wanted to change, he got angry, threatened me, and then apologised and we agreed to work together.
It only took one zoom session. A deep one where he went inside himself and had an amazing experience involving stags, bears, little men on horses, and other weird and wonderful imagery.
But what a change!
It was visible on his face the minute he opened his eyes. The tension, anger, and hate had all left him. He looked like a young lad with the world at his feet. And he was smiling. He actually said it felt weird. His mouth didn’t do that normally.
I kept in touch with Sam, keen to see how much impact that one session would have.
That very day he severed all connection with his gang associates. He changed his look, his style, and started going to places that he would never have gone before. Just one week later he met the love of his life.
He still struggled to get a job, he felt the workplace was too similar to the hierarchy of the gang. So one month later he decided to start a business himself dealing with CCTV and security.
Sam is now happily married with two sons who he absolutely dotes on. His business is thriving and he is in his own words “experiencing happiness and satisfaction in life that I never thought possible even in my wildest dreams”.
Just one session of Sanomentology changed his life that much.
What could it do for you?
If you want to heal yourself head here
Or if you want to learn to heal others then check out the training here. https://www.sanomentology.com/therapeuticdesign/