Trauma, a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And the effects of trauma can manifest in various forms, often lingering long after the traumatic event has passed.
Many interventions work on the effects of trauma. They will treat the physical and mental manifestations of the traumatic response. Therapies that work on trauma stored in the vagus nerve, or the cells and DNA, are treating effects, not causes.
The symptoms of traumatic stress can indeed manifest physically. The brain, particularly the memory and emotional centers such as the hippocampus and amygdala, plays a crucial role in how trauma affects the body. And this can trigger physical responses to the trauma such as anxiety and physical pain, but they are just symptoms.
Your unconscious mind is what controls every cell, every nerve, and every part of your body, including the brain. Any responses are a result of the programs that have been created. These programs are often created much earlier than the actual traumatic event, which is why some people develop PTSD and others don’t.
Many therapies fail to successfully resolve issues related to trauma, because they are dealing with symptoms, not causes. Talking about an event, reliving it, or trying to change the memories is a fruitless exercise. It works on the logic, the rational parts of the brain, and this has little effect on the unconscious programs. So it will provide tempory relief, but the underlying programs are still present ready to leap out and take hold at the next adverse experience.
The only surefire way to completely resolve the effects of trauma is to deal with the programs hidden deep in the unconscious. And this doesn’t require revisiting the trauma, talking about it, or even thinking about it. Which also makes resolving it a much easier and less traumatic experience in itself.
Are you ready to resolve your trauma issues once and for all? Check out the PTSD program in the healing section of the Sanomentology website.
Or maybe you are a therapist that works with trauma. Check out the training section to become a Sanomentologist.