A Little Known Fact About Me
Although my writings and teachings might sometimes seem a bit “woo,” my core is deeply rooted in science. In my early years, I was accepted into Birmingham Medical School to study medicine with the goal of becoming a brain surgeon. Physics was always my best subject, and I loved exploring ideas about how the universe works beyond the standard theories of the time—many of which later became accepted!
In my current work and teachings, I apply a strict filter: Is it feasible? Is it useful? Is it possible and probable? This approach, while not bound by the idealism of academic science, maintains the same discipline and rigor.
This is something is see missing in so many teachings. I read people’s posts and ideas and so often my mind jumps in with an involuntary “What the f*ck?”.
When I see posts about charging crystals (natural deposits of minerals that have been buried not seeing the light of the moon for millions of years) or when they talk about frequencies in terms of measured hertz, or burning incense to contact angels, I have a little chuckle internally. This is applying the limited properties of a three dimensional world to ideas of higher dimensions where the laws of physics and nature no longer function as we expect.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying these things are pointless. Non functional? Yes. But pointless? No.
Because belief is a powerful thing, and when people believe these things work, they help to focus their minds on what they are trying to achieve. All they do is act like a glass of water to help a pill go down.
The therapy side of Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design, which will give you all of theory and practical tools to resolve virtually any issue and accelerate personal growth, and the more exploratory side of Sanomentology: Magic and Miracles, which takes a look into the deeper and more magical possibilities of the mind, are the result of a lot of research, analysis, and filtering to provide the results without the need for the belief in fairy dust or magic wands.
So, question yourself.
Do you want training built upon beliefs with no logic or reasoning behind them, or are you ready to dispense with the fluff that can cause belief driven blocks, and take a serious look at the possibilities of our minds.
I know the path I’d choose if I was you. I already chose it.
What about you?
If you want to explore more, take a look at Sanomentology Training here, or Magic and Miracles here