How can development get you into trouble

by | Dec 29, 2024 | Uncategorised | 0 comments

How can development get you into trouble?

“I’ve learnt hypnotherapy (that’s vague), EFT, Silva method, RTT, and numerous other methods for helping my clients”

So what! The clients don’t care. They only care about results.

But here’s a kicker.

What if your addiction to courses, and your determination to utilise everything you learn, is what is ultimately holding you back.

Consiousness ultimately controls every single thing in your mind and body. Your pain, your issues, your energy levels, your metabolism, how you feel, what you do, and everything else. It is in control of every single cell, every part of you.

If you are employing multiple methods and ideas that conflict in their principles, or do not compliment each other with consistency, then you are confusing the unconscious mind. You can have one process that looks at the logic behind an issue, but also have knowledge about energy healing, and also believe in crystals or astrology, and suddenly the unconscious is confused as hell.

An observation I have made from my pool of over 400 people that I have trained across the world, is that individuals who have never learnt other methods, or have willingly abandoned other approaches and stuck only to Sanomentology tend to achieve remarkable results, both personally and with their clients.

On the other hand, those who remain fixated on past training methods, or mix multiple methods, often continue to grapple with their own challenges and encounter difficulties when working with clients.

Prior to developing Sanomentology, I extensively explored various other techniques and gained first hand experience. Some I learnt, some I experienced; I personally faced numerous issues and sought solutions. Nothing gave me the deep and reliable solution that I was looking for.

The creation of Sanomentology was a deliberate effort to address the limitations and problems I encountered in the multitude of existing processes and programs.

So why use different methods that contradict each other, when you can use one consistent method that gives real results?

I’ll leave you with that question.

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