It’s a Trap!
Many coaches, trainers, and other change workers lure you in with irresistible $7 offers or similar. You glance at the offer, and unconsciously think, “It’s only $7, I’ll try it.” This is basic sales psychology at play. You make the purchase, and suddenly the thought shifts to, “It’s only $7, it’s not important,” and it gets lost in the sea of forgotten downloads.
This is pure manipulation, a technique my values abhor. My prices are not cheap because I believe in the value of conscious investment. I want adventurers who are actively aware of their decision to invest in themselves, who will truly benefit from the journey rather than downloading it to the folder of purgatory.
Join me at and invest in a transformative journey that you will genuinely commit to and benefit from. Your growth and development are worth more than a $7 impulse buy. Make the conscious choice to invest in your epic life story.
#Investment #Value #PersonalGrowth #ConsciousChoice #RavenwolfSaga #Transformation