The Principles
Your journey into personal growth, self- development, and your quest to reach higher potentials will be helped using the processes in the Sanomentology suite of programs.
Sanomentology owes it’s effectiveness to 5 key principles.
1. The Principle of Consciousness
Consciousness is not the flat dichotomy that most people work with. The presumption of a conscious and subconscious mind is archaic and limiting. Science has developed to much since these ideas were first developed, but psychology has been left behind.
Consciousness is a vast, multidimensional construct. It is produced by the synchronisation of vibrations in “strings” of energy at the subatomic level. Quantum mechanics and modern theories in science can eliminate much of the mystery surrounding consciousness when this It is divided into three distinct sections, each with two elements of consciousness, and levels of communication between.
The abstract consciousness span the first and second dimension, and consist of Word and Thought. The communication between these is Logic.
The next level is the Existential consciousness across the third and fourth dimension. This features the physical reality, and the subconscious. The abstract consciousness communicates with the existential consciousness using reason, and the physical and subconscious communicate with the conscious mind.
And finally you have the Noumenal consciousness at the fifth and sixth dimension. Made up of Alpha and Omega with pure energy communicating between them. The existential consciousness uses Will to communicate with the Noumenal Consciousness.
Working at the traditional levels of the conscious and subconscious will create change, but it will be unreliable, short-lived, and random. Expanding the scope and addressing the extra elements provide a much greater level of effectiveness.

2. The Principle of Reality
Reality as we perceive is just a small fraction of what is. And it is a self actualised construct. So how does it come about. In the vast perspective of this multi dimensional construct that forms consciousness, what is the mechanism that brings everything together to form the universe as we experience it?
Reality exists only at the level of the existential consciousness. It has a huge potential, but our experience of it is based on the overlap between the abstract and nuomenal consciousness. And shifts within these elements will change our reality.
The greater the overlap, the more possibilities exist, the more “broad-minded” the person. The smaller the overlap, the more limitations, and the more “narrow-minded” the person.
Most change-work will work on one of these elements, so change can be experienced. But to really see the effects, work at all three levels needs to happen. That’s where the magic really happens.

Register to watch the free video explaining Consciousness and Emotions.
3. The Principle of Emotions
Academic science blames hormones and chemicals for emotions. But it’s a flawed theory. Emotions are too fluid, unpredictable, and complex. This principle sees the hormones and chemicals and effects rather than the cause.
The cause of emotions is more about the difference is frequency between the levels of consciousness. The emotions we experience are as a result of the frequencies of Reason and Will. When they are aligned we experience the positive emotions of joy and love, which stimulate growth, and when they are misaligned we experience anger and other related emotions, stimulating change.
Understanding and embracing this principle is key to evaluating your journey forward and ensuring it is a smooth and fruitful one.

4. The Principle of Manifestation
Everything you think you know about manifestation is true. Thoughts become things? Yes. Intentions and affirmations? Yes. Positive thinking? Debatably, yes.
So why do so many people suck at it?
Because they are seeing only a small fraction of the bigger picture. They are trying to make a loaf of bread with only flour. They leave everything else to chance, or miss the key elements.
If you think the Law of Attraction is going to give you everything you want while you sit in your bum doing nothing, then you are doomed to fail.
Practices of manifestation must be applied at all levels of consciousness, and must be consistent and congruent with each other. This means aligning the thoughts, the intentions, the actions, the desire, and much more. In the principle of manifestation there is a formula where every aspect that can affect the manifestation process is calculated, and this will show your chances of success.
On this journey, you will work on these elements to gain a greater chance of success, but it definitely doesn’t come by sitting around wishing for it.
5. The Principle of Magic
This is the ultimate principle that brings all of the others together. Magic has been described as science as yet undiscovered, and when you take the other principles into consideration, you see that the possibilities are infinite.
It’s a realm that I am dedicated to exploring and creating pathways into for others to join me.
This principle is key in the ongoing work I do to facilitate my own journey, and the one I hope you join me on.