Your starting point.

When you embark on any journey, one of the most important things to address is packing. Your baggage needs to have everything you need. But more importantly, non-essential stuff must be discarded. It can increase the weight, cost you more, and potential prohibit you from travelling at all.

It's the same with your life journey.

This same process is important when you take a journey of growth, development, or self-discovery.

Unfortunately you have been packing these bags your whole life. You’ve forgotten most of what you packed, and it is a heavy burden. For some, the luggage is so large it won’t even fit through the doors onto the ship that will carry you onward.

Therefore, your starting point is to check that luggage. To clear out everything that is no longer required, useful, or fits with the journey ahead. Like you wouldn’t take swimming trunks on a skiing trip, you don’t want those old programs of fear, pain, and anxiety, or those blocks and limiting beliefs on a journey into a world of success and fruition.

Choose Your Route

Here you have a choice on how to begin your journey.

Escape The Cave!

The first step is to get out of the proverbial Plato’s cave that keeps you from embarking on your journey. The Greatest Escape program is designed to help you leave the cave and exit into the bright sunlight of reality. It will firstly bring awareness to the existence of the cave, and then guide you gently, but firmly to leave it’s clutches.

Release the Limitations!

The next step is to address all of the things that hold you back. Your pains, your fears, your anxieties. Any issues, any beliefs, and blocks. These can all be eliminated using the processes in the Sanomentology: Be Limitless program. 

This program contains a full suite of processes targeting virtually any issue or limitation you may have. They are all online and can be worked through while you relax, or even while you sleep at night. This program includes The Greatest Escape.

How and Why?

The next step is to expand the processes to reach all levels of consciousness. These programs work mainly on the upper levels of consciousness, from the subconscious and higher. To work at the lower levels, it is advisable to understand the training as per Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design.

This will give you all of the benefits of The Greatest Escape amd the Be Limitless program but includes the whys and hows, which will appeal to the levels of Word, Thought, Logic, and Reason. This will also allow you to help others on their journeys if you choose.

Embrace the Magic!

And finally you have the Magic and Miracles Program. This includes all of the above, but allows you to continue your journey into deeper and more exploratory realms. This is an ongoing program, with 3 modules so far. Upon joining this, you will have access to everything I create as part of my own journey.

I walk with you.

These are all online programs, allowing you to progress at your own pace, in your own time, whenever and wherever you choose. They all come with personal online support and guidance, ensuring your journey is as trouble free as possible.

Alternatively you can apply to become a “travelling companion” and work with me personally on a one to one basis. This is only for those who are serious about their journey. Spaces are extremely limited and applicates will be assessed before acceptance.

So you now have a choice.

You can continue on your own journey without guidance, blindly feeling about for direction.

Or you can choose one of the options to follow a path that although is yours alone, has been mapped out and cleared, one with clear steps and directions.

Where will you go?